Thursday, March 8, 2012

Scorpion! Award Boxes

We have been hard at work for several weeks on our award boxes.  We have drilled, screwed,
and stained - what a MESS
or solely in this case, NOT a mess.
All that hard work has paid off, though.  The glass is in and now the boys just have to place awards and wait for the last few to be given at Blue and Gold.  Here is one example of how they look (almost) finished.
The Webelos Colors and the Super Achiever patch will both go in the empty space on the right.

Scorpions - Ready or Not

Mr. Mangold has done it yet again.  This masterpiece dovetailed nicely with our emphasis this year on emergency preparedness.  What started as a service project ended up as WAY too much fun - but that seems to be a happy pattern with the Scorpion! den.  Take a look...

Camp Brorein - February 11

Camp Brorein was great - other than being really cold - and that was during the day.

 There were BB guns.
There were sling shots.
 There were bows and arrows.
 There were even canoe rides - and in some cases races.  One canoe tipped and all aboard landed in the drink - not a Scorpion! but that wasn't for lack of trying, I'm sure.
 Last but not least, there was camp dinner, Scorpion! style.  YUMMMM!  This was our "den project" on Saturday evening.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Pack Meeting - January 30

We hadn't received any awards since the October meeting, meaning everything from Back to Brownsea, the Urban Hike, den meetings, and things done at home over the last three months were sitting in one bulging bag waiting to be awarded.  One Scorpion had over 70! awards.  Everyone was awarded several activity badges and various pins and belt loops.  The crowning moment was when the two boys who had finished all the requirements for the Emergency Preparedness Award recieved it and the parents pinned it on them.

A LOT of dates were discussed so here they all are again merged with upcoming den dates:

Feb 4 - Den meeting for Craftsman
Feb 5 - Scout Sunday 
Feb 6 - Night Hike
Feb 7 - Blue and Gold Planning meeting
Feb 10 & 18 - Scouting for Food 
Feb 10-12 - Camping at Brorein
Feb 13 - Troop 686 visit
Feb 18 - Final Pinewood Derby workshop
Feb 19 - Pinewood Derby
Feb 20 - Den meeting at the library
Feb 24-26 - Troop 11 camping
Feb 27 - Pack meeting
March 2-4 Farewell to Webelos camping at Hillsborough River State Park
March 25 - Blue and Gold

Fort Wilderness - January 13-15

What can we say about Fort Wilderness.

As always, the Scavenger hunt was a blast, with various teams screaming around in golf carts at top speeds approaching 25 mph, in a race for bragging rights.

The chili cook-off was tasty, with almost 20 entries this year.  Just for the record, the slop bucket came in second.  For those who weren't there, the "slop bucket" consisted of one scoop from each of the other chilis.

The movie, a heartwarming tale of a handicapped dolphin who overcomes odds and heals the humans around him in the process, was lovely - but COLD!

Camping, again, was COLD!  I'm told it got down to 32 on Saturday night.

The geocaching scavenger hunt on Sunday was excellent.

But, saving the best for last....DRUM ROLL....Miss Jodi and Hunter version 1.0 made an appearance.  It was such a treat to have them back with us, however briefly.

Urban Hike and Leave No Trace

PLAN AHEAD  The Scorpions! met at Centennial Park in Ybor City on January 7 for an urban hike.   It was clear from the beginning that everyone had planned ahead.  Some boys had backpacks, all had water.  We had a route planned out and everyone was eager to hit the trail. 
STICK TO THE TRAILS  Although we stuck to the trails, clearly a non-scouter came before us who had never taken the "Leave No Trace" Pledge!
TRASH YOUR TRASH  We stopped at a large lot/park along the Nuccio Parkway and picked up trash for a service project.  We won't list all the things the boys found but let's just say the area looked much nicer when we got done.

Still sticking to the trails!
Although it was difficult and we thought elephant poop would be a very cool item for show and tell at the next Pack meeting, we LEFT WHAT WE FOUND.  Predictably, this was one of the high points of the hike.  It's hard to top giant poop bigger than your hand!  Actually, this is also a good example where someone didn't follow another point in the Leave No Trace pledge, MANAGE YOUR PET.  Most of the time, I'm all on board with that point but in this one instance, I'm kind-of glad they didn't.
Outside the historic Tampa Train Station
We lucked out at the Firefighters' Museum.  It wasn't supposed to be open, but as we peered through the windows, a gentleman came to the door and let us in.  The boys had a blast on the firetrucks and learned a little about how things used to operate in old firehouses.
Tampa Theatre - photo by Mr. Rowlette.
Before we headed to the final destination of our hike, we stopped off at Five Guys and got the boys lunch, courtesy of Popcorn Fundraising/den party.  Way to go rocking popcorn sales, Scorpions!

Our final stop was Curtis Hixon Park where we worked on the Art Belt Loop and a couple other things before heading in to an art class in the Tampa Art Museum.  Many of the boys were fascinated by this image and chose it for the subject of their painting.
Creating an art construction at the Tampa Art Museum
There is, of course, one final point of the Leave No Trace Pledge.  That is to RESPECT OTHERS.  I can definitely say that the boys followed this.  They were respectful in Sacred Heart Church, cleaned up after themselves in the Firefighters' Museum, and polite to others we passed on the street.    Scorpions! Scorpions!  Sting!  Sting!  Sting!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Christmas den meeting

We set the boys loose with hammers at the December den meeting so they could make a votive holder.  While most simply pounded holes randomly in the ice-filled can, there were a few who planned a pattern and ended up with Christmas trees or smiley faces.  However, this seemed to be just a place holder for the main event:  Cookie Decorating!

Each of the boys received a little bag of candies with M&Ms, Red Hots, Nerds and some red Licorice ropes to decorate their sugar cookie with.  Although there was (predictably) some sneakage of candy during the decorating phase, all of the snowmen were fully decked out by the time the boys were done.  
Most of the snowmen couldn't even be moved because the candy would just tumble off when it was tilted even slightly, presenting a difficulty when it came to eating it - which the boys happily overcame.   What awesome problem solvers!  One thing which was overwhelmingly obvious is that most of the boys do NOT like Red Hots.  There was plenty of other candy to choose from, though.
This picture pretty much says it all.